Roles and Responsibilities of an Association Manager

Roles and Responsibilities of an Association Manager

There are amazing things about living in a home owners association, but not all HOAs are created equally.

Across the country, there are many disgruntled HOA residents who take issue with the way their community is run. If your Utah HOA board isn't giving you what you need, it's important to know you've got options to turn things around.

Hiring an association manager can breathe new life into a stale community. In today's post, we'll explain the roles and responsibilities of association management, so keep reading and you'll see how an HOA manager might benefit your community.

Managing HOA Dues

HOA homeowners are responsible for paying monthly HOA dues. Community leadership collects these dues and pools them together to pay for everything the community might need. Typically, the largest community expenses have to do with paying for maintenance and upcoming projects.

If your HOA board's treasurer isn't an experienced accountant, they may bungle the community's finances. This could result in depreciating home values and higher HOA fees for homeowners.

Hiring an HOA manager will give you the accounting services your community needs. They can examine your community's finances, and then balance the books to restore its financial health.

Governing Communities

Community governance is all about making sure everyone understands the rules and regulations. When you buy a home in an HOA, you agree to live under certain conditions. Your community often gets to dictate how you act and the way your property is kept.

Governing dozens of homeowners can be tricky. If your HOA board isn't up to it, there'll be plenty of friction between homeowners.

Hiring an HOA board will give you an impartial third party. They can issue penalties to rule breakers and mediate disagreements between homeowners. This promotes harmony in the community, which leads to happier HOA living.

Running Meetings

HOA meetings decide the future of a given community. All homeowners come together to discuss pertinent matters in the community. Discussions may include amendments to governing documents or ideas for new amenities.

If your meetings aren't well run and organized, they won't go anywhere. An HOA manager brings experience running meetings to the table. Not only will they ensure everyone's voice is heard, but they'll take meeting minutes and create plans to act out the community's wishes.

Community Maintenance

Every HOA should take community maintenance seriously. Homeowners pay their HOA dues so that the community is looked after in a particular way. This requires good vendor coordination on the part of HOA leadership.

If your HOA board doesn't have good vendor coordination, a lot of important maintenance will be overlooked. A property manager brings existing vendor relationships to the table so that you never have to worry about neglected maintenance.

Give Your HOA Board Professional Support

You can give your HOA board the support they need by hiring an HOA manager. These property managers can take on as much or as little of the responsibilities discussed here to help your community thrive.

To get the best association management in Layton, PMI Home Team is the only choice. Contact us today to discuss your HOA management needs and how we can help your community in 2024.
